Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Atlanta Fashion Photography: Spring/Personal

One of the things I vowed to do more of in 2012 is shoot for myself. It's very rare to get a client that gives you a job that is exactly what you want. So what can you do? Simple, shoot for yourself.

This Sunday was the first of MANY personal shoots that I have planned for 2012. Simple concept, shoot the new spring colors in a way that is still warm enough to Winter. (Even though it doesn't really get cold in Georgia.)

Once again I enlisted the help of Emily Fogarty to assist with styling for the shoot, and Neftaly Lopez on make-up. Both ladies did an exceptional job, allowing me to focus on other aspects necessary to make a shoot happen.

We went for a simple, yet effective look, dark, smoky eyes, bright lips, and strong cheek bones to accentuate the model's (Jenna) great bright skin complexion.

Photos were simply lit, we used a white reflector for some shots, while had her facing directly into the sun for others.

Take a look and let me know what you think!

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