Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Published: Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles

I finally did it. A piece of my work was published in a magazine this month! It's not a substantial full-page spread with an detailed biography about yours truly, but its a small victory!

My sister is currently working at Bee Atlanta, a brand new, eco-friendly interior design boutique in Atlanta's East Andrews. One of their many eco friendly product lines includes locally harvested Honey. They have an assortment of flavors and I got my hand on a jar. Its a simple design but its eye catching. I had just bought a new lens that is excellent with macro shots so it was a perfect match. Surprisingly I was able to control myself and waited until after I took the pictures before I cracked the top and started taking spoonfull after spoonful. Little did I know, one of the photos I took would find it's way to Atlanta's Home and Lifestyle magazine!

Here is the original photo:

  I am also now on Twitter. You can follow me @michaelknowlton.

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