Thursday, December 16, 2010

Help-Portrait Augusta

Help-Portrait is an absolutely amazing new movement in which photographers, make-up artists, and others devote their time and skills in order to provide breathe taking photos for those less fortunate. All too often I think we really take for granted the value of a photograph. Think back to the last time you had your picture taken, you probably immediately turned the camera around to check out the photo on the LCD screen. If it was a good picture, it was probably followed by a nice smile. I think its safe to say everyone gets excited when they are tagged in some new pictures on Facebook from the previous weekend. Especially if it compliments their looks. Seems like a simple life pleasure. Unfortunately, there are some who live just down the street from us that don't get to experience that simple life pleasure. Now I may be romanticizing just a bit, since after all, pictures are pretty important to me. But putting a smile on a child's face with a photo is one of the greatest feelings I've experienced.

I took the strobist approach to this year's Help-Portrait, a simple one light setup in the Boys' and Girls' Club of Augusta's basketball gym. However, the simplicity stopped there. With the help of my fellow classmates and Leaders in Kennesaw (LINK) we were able to do the young ladies make-up and entertain the children while they waited to have their portrait made. I couldn't have done it alone, in fact, I probably had the easiest job there. I just snapped the pictures.

Help-Portrait from Michael Knowlton on Vimeo.

If anyone else is interested in doing a Help-Portrait day next year, the national day is December 3rd, 2011, although you can really put an event at any time. For more information you can head on over to

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