Sunday, February 20, 2011

Versaci Shoot: Atlantic Station

We've been saying that we are going to go out and shoot together for what seems like years. Yesterday, we finally made that happen. I was originally going to head to Piedmont Park to shoot, however, I went to the park last weekend to get some skyline shots of Atlanta, and the park was an absolute zoo. There was zero real estate open, as all the Atlanta natives decided they wanted to hit up the park that day. I don't blame them. So instead, we opted for the touristy, yet trendy Atlantic Station. I chose it mostly for the unique locations and clean enviroment, but also for the fun and chic atmosphere. We definitely got some looks, more so her, as I was hiding behind my camera most of the time, but we had alot of fun and came away with quite a few great photos.

We got kicked out of one location (the glass wall) that you will see shortly. And of course, it was my favorite location of the day. I was only able to get off about 15 frames before the security guard came out to try and tell us through the glass that we had to go across the street. I wanted to just make silly faces at her and keep shooting, but figured if I wanted to stay out of handcuffs we should probably just leave.

For the shoot, I really didn't feel like bringing alot of gear, or my camera backpack, so I simply loaded up with one body, an 18-50 f/2.8 lens, and a 42inch reflector and went to shoot. The photography gods graced me with a beautifully overcast sky, producing some beautifully soft light. I simply used the reflector to give a little fill under the eyes. It was quite an easy day as far as lighting goes. I was tempted to run back to the car to get my lights and really under expose the sky to really make it pop, but I love the simplicity of shooting in natural light.

After working up quite an apetite we stopped in for dinner at the Atlantic Grill, and my stubborn self just HAD to sit outside. Which turned out to be not the best idea as Veronica was shivering the entire time. But, she was a champ and endured.

If I'm going to be completely honest, I felt pretty cool eating outside and people watching. It was quite a fun atmosphere.

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