Thursday, June 23, 2011

As most of you know I'm involved in a leadership organization in Kennesaw, Leaders IN Kennesaw, (LINK). There are many different groups under the large umbrella of LINK. One of my fellow LINK groups was looking to raise money in order to help with the orphan population in Georgia. In order to raise money we partnered together to raffle off a photoshoot. It was enormously successful and I feel fortunate that all parties were able to benefit from the raffle. The group was able
To raise sufficient funds to help the orphans, Jasmine was able to get some great shots to jump start her modeling portfolio, and I was able to let loose creatively and have some fun shooting with Jasmine.

Jasmine did a great job and got quite a few compliments during the shoot from onlookers. Modestly she denied being a model, but I assured them she was the real deal.

The shots came out amazingly well, we were rained out on our first attempt, but luckily mother nature blessed us with overcast skies to really ease the process and open up the door to creativity.

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