Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy holidays from my family to yours

I hope you all had a wonderful holidays these past few weeks!

Just a fun photo my family took while on vacation in New York City this past summer. Didn't spend too much time retouching this, just for fun. I've also attached a little behind the scenes video to give you a little glimpse as to how I made this photo. When I get a little more time I'm going to retouch the image a little more in depth.

The inspiration for this photo came after my sister saw a promo shot of ABC's Dirty Sexy Money television series.

I had to travel extremely light on this trip, so I brought one Westcott 5 in 1 reflector and a tripod. I set up the tripod and then shot each person individually and then composited everyone together in the final image. Looking back, I would've like to use the white side of the reflector rather than the very sharp silver side.

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